Wednesday 7 September 2016

Spiritual Body, Spiritual Bodies, Astral Body, Astral Bodies, Ethereal Body, Ethereal Bodies, Airy Body, Airy Bodies, Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, OBE and AP, Prana Sharira, Ativahika Sharira, Sukshma Sharira, Sookshma Sharira

A supernormal principle resides in all of us. Our physical body, senses, and mind cannot comprehend this supernormal principle because they are limited. We cannot see, hear, feel, or sense what other animals can.

Indian Seers and Yogis realized that we have a supersensory or a spiritual body, mind, and consciousness within us. This they called the Atma (inner Self, spirit, soul), Chaitanya (Consciousness), Drashta (Seer), etc., and many other names. They said that this is the real I. Thus, the answer to the question “who am I?” is “I am the inner Self, spirit, or soul.” These Seers and Yogis had direct experience with this truth through meditation. They said “In silence, know thyself.” That is, when the mind becomes silent, still, or quiet in meditation, the inner Self awakens. This is when we will directly experience our real “I.” Physically speaking, we are the body-mind complex, and spiritually speaking, we are this inner Self, the spirit, or the soul.

I have had glimpses of this real I in my meditation. Out of body experiences (OBE) happen due to spiritual/Kundalini awakening. It is not dreaming. If you can do it at will, going to places that you like, seeing your relatives and TALKING to them, or doing whatever you want to do with astral projection, then either you are hallucinating, imagining, or simply dreaming. OBE or AP (Astral Projection) is due to your spiritual body, mind, or consciousness awakening.
My OBE experiences:

1) I saw a spiritual body floating up in a cloudy sky. I heard some dogs howl. I woke up. The dogs were howling. I realized I had been sleep-meditating. I rushed outside my room. The dogs were howling looking toward the building I was staying at. They stopped howling when they saw me. I looked up at the sky. It was cloudy and exactly the same as I had just seen! My room was in the first floor of a 3-storey lodge.

2) I saw my spiritual, ethereal, or astral body (Sukshma or Ativahika Sharira) sitting and meditating. This body is entirely different than anyone has ever read or imagined.

3) I experienced that I have no body and that I was unborn; there was kind of darkness everywhere. I regained my body consciousness, only then did I know that I had been meditating.

4) I witnessed a brightness or whiteness everywhere, I turned in all directions, and it was the same everywhere. There was nothing apart from this brightness – no objects, nobody (not even any spiritual body).

5) From a distance, I saw my physical body lying down, sleeping, and snoring.

6) I saw places which I had never seen before and never saw them again. I had no body (not even the ethereal body) when I had this experience.

All these experiences happened during Silent Meditation, without my will. It never happened to me when I wished to get out of my body.

I have written a blog on spirituality, Kundalini awakening, dangers in meditation, Kundalini Blockage, Who am I? Brahmajnana, Vipassana, Sex Tantra, etc., for the benefit of serious spiritual aspirants, who do spiritual sadhana not for the sake of some pseudo-mental states but to understand spirituality and the reality about oneself, the real I. The link to the blogs:

1.  Kundalini Experiences, Meditation Experiences, Spiritual Experiences, Yogic Experiences, Start of Spirituality

2.  Dangers In Meditation, Meditation Or Kundalini Side Effects, Illnesses Due To Meditation, Hallucination Due To Meditation, Kundalini Dangers, Misconceptions About Meditation And Spirituality:

3.  Hallucination, Imagination, and Kundalini Experiences; Meditation Experience, Imagination and Hallucination; Kundalini Awakening through Drugs; Drug-Related Meditation Experiences

4.  Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Raising, Urdhvareta, Urdwagamana, Transporting Sexual Energy to Sahasrara, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Kundalini Chakra Activation, Converting Retas into Ojhas, Kundalini Experience, Meditation Experience, Spiritual Experience

5.  Kundalini Awakening through Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras, Yoga Kriyas, Kriya Yoga, Vajroli Kriya, Yogasana, Hyperventilation, Shaking of Head to See Jyothi/Light in the Forehead (Ajna Chakra), Shaking the Body to Raise Kundalini, Staring at an Object to Realize its True Nature, Trataka, Kumbhaka, Shava (Corpse) Yoga

6.  Kundalini Awakening through Sex, Sex Tantra, Sex Yoga, Superconsciousness through Sex, Vajroli Kriya, Sucking Energy of the Opposite Sex to Transport Sexual Energy to Sahasrara, Sexual Shaktipat, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Sex without Ejaculation, Imagining man for Shiva and woman for Shakti and Sex for Yoga

7.  Brahm, Parambrahma, Naad Brahm, Veda Brahma, Shabda Brahma, the One Syllable or One Letter (Eka Aksharam), OM, Pranava, Omkar, Ahamkar Vritti, Akhandakar Vritti, Chaitanya, Consciousness, Purusha, Anahata Shabda/Nada, Aham, Koham, Soham, Hamsa, Aham Sphurana, Bhagavad Gita, Ashtavakra Gita, Uddhava Gita, Supreme Word (Parama Pada), Aham iti, AUM, Mani padme Hum/Hoom, Divya Shabda/Nada, Yam, Lam, Ram, Bam, Kham, Hrim, Klim, Vam, etc.

8.   BHRAMjnana, BHRAMjnani; Brahmajnana, Brahmajnani; Rutam, Ritam, Rutambhara Prajna, Ritambhara Prajna, Pinda and Brahmanda, Sanatana Dharma

9. Spiritual Heart, Hritgranthi Bhedana, Chit-Jada Granthi, Knots Of The Heart, Dasha Angula, Vitastyante, Dwadashanta, Angusta Purusha, Linga, Hritpundarika, Hritguha, Ashwatha Tree

10. Dhyana or Meditation Techniques, Silence, Mouna, Stages in Meditation, Meditation Process, Kundalini Awakening Process, Samadhi Process, Samadhi

11. Obstacles and Obstructions in Meditation, Kundalini Awakening, or Samadhi; Reasons for Kundalini not Awakening or Rising, Reasons for Not Having Real Meditation Experiences, Why can't I get into Samadhi, etc.

12.  Common Do's and Don'ts In Meditation, Guidelines or Instructions for Meditation, Kundalini Awakening

13.  Who am I? What am I? Koham? Self-enquiry, Atma Vichara, Adhyatma Chintana, Tattva Vichara, Self-investigation, Investigation into the real Self, Meditation on Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Vichara Marga, Path of Self-enquiry

14.  Religion versus Spirituality, Science versus Spirituality, Belief/Perception versus Reality, Chit versus Jada, Chit-Jada Granthi Bhedana, Body/Matter versus Spirit, Mind versus Pure Mind, Spiritual/Astral Body, Sukshma/Ativahika Sharira, Kshetrajna, Drashta, Bhokta, Saakshi, Jnaata, Shoonya, Akinchan, Maya, Goal of Spirituality


16.  Vipassana, Mindfulness, Here and Now, Just Be, Knowing Things As They Are, Insight Meditation

17.  Kundalini in a nutshell, spirituality in a nutshell, Common do's and don't, instructions and guidelines

18. My First Meditation Experience, Effects of Meditation, Which is the best Book and Place for Kundalini Meditation? Is Guru Required for Kundalini Awakening? How to be Silent

19. Kundalini as it is and Kundalini myth versus truth.

20. Medha Nadi, Meditation, Meditation Experience, Medhita, Spirituality, Sphurita, English/Other Language Words Dervied From Sanskrit.

21. Guru's Grace, Religious and Spiritual Gurus, Disciples, and Followers; Yoga Bhrasta, How to Know a True Guru, How to Differentiate Between a True and a Fake Guru, Inner Guru; Sadguru, Satshashtra, and Satsangha; Indrajaal, Mayajaal, Bhramjaal, Shabdajaal (Net/Trap of Deception); Kaama-Kaanchana-Keerti.

22. Questions and Answers Part I: Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Laya Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Adhyatma Yoga, etc

23. Questions and Answers Part II; Meditation Experiences That Weren't; What Should I Know About Meditation; Effects of Tratak, Focusing, Concentration and Other Dangerous Meditation Techniques; Choosing a Guru

24. Questions and Answers Part III; Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Yoga, Samadhi, Kundalini Syndrome, Kundalini Symptoms, Ascension Symptoms, Kundalini Psychosis

25. Miracles, Miraculous Powers, Yogic Superpowers, Psychic Powers, Ashta Siddhi, Yoga Siddhi, Yoga Siddha, Siddha Yoga, Spiritual Powers, Supernatural Powers, Amrit, Amrut, Amritattva, Amrutattva, Deathless and Deathlessness, Immortal and Immortality, Soma, Reality about Siddhis and Immortality, Trayatapa, Tapatraya, Tattva Jnana, Sankhya Darshana, Samkhya Shastra, Dangerous Khechari Mudra, Questions and Answers Part IV

26. Swastika, Svastika; Indus Valley Civilization; Druid and Dravid; Triskelion, Triquetra, Druids and Celts; Aryan Race; Cosmic Art, Culture, Science, Metaphysics in an Indian's Daily Life; Cosmic Rangoli, Cosmic Kolam; Spirituality in Dance; Dinosaur Egg, Australian Aboriginals, Pangaea, Baiga Tribe, Indian Vimana, Pushpaka Vimana, Ahura Mazda, Jain, Spirit Cooking, Occultism, Illuminati, Zion

27. Links to blog posts, Secret Substances and Babas, Kedarnath Snow, Char Dham Yatra, Thousands of Yogas and Meditation Techniques, Creation of New Upanishad, Tantra, Yoga; Kundalini Rahasyopanishad; Begging and Other Sadhanas; Not much in Spirituality

WARNING: It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized Seer) or realize yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (fake guru who will make you delusional).  If you do, then you will suffer your entire life.

Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!

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